Gabon yestrerday

Sights of #COP20 (Lima, Peru)

Sights of #COP20 (Lima, Peru)

Image by World Resources Institute

became the first African country to submit formally its plan to the UN on how it will tackle climate change ahead of a global deal to be signed in December in Paris.

Christian Aid’s Senior Climate Change Advisor, Mohamed Adow, said: “Gabon, like the rest of Africa, has little historical responsibility for causing climate change. Yet it recognises the responsibility it does have and is doing its fair share of the global effort by committing to reduce the growth of its emissions by at least 50 per cent below its 2000 levels by 2025.

“It is also encouraging to see Gabon become one of the first to lay on the table what it will do to help tackle this global problem. The other larger emitters who are dragging their feet getting their proposals submitted should take heed of Gabon’s proactive step. The sooner nations announce what they are going to do, the better the chance of a strong outcome in Paris.

“As richer countries develop their proposals it is important they consider not just emission cuts, but also support and finance to help poor countries adapt to climate change.”



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2. Christian Aid’s core belief is that the world can and must be changed so that poverty is ended:  this is what we stand for. Everything we do is about ending poverty and injustice: swiftly, effectively, sustainably. Our strategy document Partnership for Change ( explains how we set about this task.

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