16 Days against Gender Violence: Learning about Living Cambodia
Gertjan van Bruchem, Associate Country Director for Oxfam in Cambodia, says supporting Learning about Living is part of the solution to end violence against women.
Learning about Living Cambodia is a cross-media programme co-developed by OneWorld UK and Butterfly Works, which provides young people with accurate, non-judgmental and timely information about sexual and reproductive health and rights, including gender roles and gender-based violence. As part of Learning about Living Cambodia, an eLearning platform is being rolled out across 5 provinces and in Phnom Penh to support teachers in approaching SRHR topics and discussing sensitive issues such as gender-based violence. Additionally a multi-channel question-and-answer platform was launched earlier this year, which enables young Cambodians to ask their SRHR-related questions via SMS, email and Facebook messenger and receive confidential, non-judgmental and accurate answers from trained counsellors.
Find out more about Learning about Living Cambodia, which is funded by Oxfam.
"The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence is an international campaign originating from the first Women's Global Leadership Institute sponsored by the Center for Women's Global Leadership in 1991. Participants chose the dates, November 25, International Day Against Violence Against Women and December 10, International Human Rights Day, in order to symbolically link violence against women and human rights and to emphasize that such violence is a violation of human rights.
This 16-day period also highlights other significant dates including November 29, International Women Human Rights Defenders Day, December 1, World AIDS Day, and December 6, which marks the Anniversary of the Montreal Massacre."