Friends of the Earth press release
Commenting on the Chancellor’s annual Budget today [Wednesday 19 March 2014], Friends of the Earth Economics Campaigner, David Powell said:
“Despite George Osborne’s pledge last month to tackle climate change,

White Water on the Flooded River Itchen

White Water on the Flooded River Itchen

Image by Neil Howard

“Merely weeks after promising action on flooding and global warming, the best the Chancellor can manage is a U-turn on his own reckless flood defence cuts, and caving in to big business lobbying on pollution tax.

“Mr Osborne says he wants to make our economy ‘resilient’, but Britons face paying a hefty price for his failure to confront the reality of climate change.”
Carbon Price Floor
“Freezing the carbon price floor is simply code for letting polluters pollute, while clean industries suffer ever more stifling restrictions.

“The money raised by this tax should be used to help homes and businesses become much more energy efficient - and bring down bills for good.”

Gas and oil extraction

“The Chancellor’s dangerous fossil fuel fixation is storing up huge problems for the future.

“George Osborne’s pledge to extract every drop of oil and gas we can from the North Sea will completely undermine efforts to decarbonise the economy.”

 Flood spending
“George Osborne’s self-congratulation on flood spending is ill-founded.

“The ‘extra’ £140m only cancels out previous cuts, while households in storm-battered Britain are picking up the bill for the Government’s negligence.

“And if we want to keep pace with the impacts of climate change, far more must be spent on flood defences.”

1. Friends of the Earth briefing ahead of today’s Budget is available at:
2. “I'm someone who believes climate change is happening, that it's caused by human beings. We should do what we can to prevent it and if we can't prevent then mitigate against it for example by building flood defences... [but] let's try and do this in as cheap a possible way as we can.” – George Osborne, February 2014:
3. The Coal industry say the carbon price floor would “drive early closure of existing coal plant”:
4. Former World Bank Chief Economist Lord Stern yesterday [18 March 2014] said that the Budget should be used to stimulate investment in green technology and energy efficiency – and a carbon price floor freeze would be “damage[ing]”:
5. For more than 40 years we’ve seen that the wellbeing of people and planet go hand in hand – and it’s been the inspiration for our campaigns. Together with thousands of people like you we’ve secured safer food and water, defended wildlife and natural habitats, championed the move to clean energy and acted to keep our climate stable. Be a Friend of the Earth – see things differently. For further information visit

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