NO FREE LUNCH on income inequality w/ Lewis Black
13th June 2008,
Comedian Lewis Black Rants Against Corporate Greed - Go to
A short film starring the groundbreaking comedian Lewis Black. Written/directed by Antonino D'Ambrosio (critically acclaimed author of "Let Fury Have the Hour" and the upcoming "A Heartbeat and A Guitar"), "No Free Lunch" is presented by the union SEIU and produced with Noise-Pop Industries. This is the first film in a series of short films starring acclaimed actors and entertainers highlighting the serious issue of income inequality in America. "No Free Lunch," which includes a wonderful new song from celebrated musicians Radio 4, kicks off this most important campaign.
La Lutta is proud to announce the launch of "No Free Lunch," a short film starring the groundbreaking comedian Lewis Black. Written/directed by Antonino D'Ambrosio (critically acclaimed author of "Let Fury Have the Hour" and the upcoming "A Heartbeat and
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