
Our voices: Violence against women and impunity

Film: In this series of short films Burundian women look at key issues in the wake of the civil war, which ended in 2005. More than 1 million Burundians were internally displaced or forced to flee the country as a result of the 12-year civil conflict which killed over 300,000 people.

Régine Nishimagizwe Marie Goretti Sylvane Ntakonkibigira Appoline Bihorubusa
8 March 2013

Our Voices - Violence against women and impunity from International Alert on Vimeo.

In 2009 Burundi's Penal Code was revised to include a more precise definition of rape and prescribe stronger punishments for those convcited.

However the code itself and its implementation present challenges for women seeking redress for rape and other forms of violence.

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